Wednesday, December 31, 2008
New Year
One of my best friends moved.
I worked two Emmaus walks.
I learned one of my best friends is pregnant.
I learned one of my best friends will be moving back.
I've made so many new Emmaus friends that I can't tell you how blessed I am.
I've seen two of my friends preach.
My husband began his path to become a lay speaker and may pursue becoming a minister.
I've cried.
I've laughed.
and I've cried some more.
But most of all I found myself. I know who I am and I know that God loves me anyway. I know that there are people that love me even though I will never be perfect or have a perfect house or have the perfect clothes. They may kid me about my spelling, or my snoopys or my lack of style but they love me.
I am blessed. Thank you God, my father, for showing me how much you have blessed me. Even though there are days I may still cry, I know that God will be there with me and that my girl friends are only a phone call away.
Happy NEW YEARS everyone!!!!!
Monday, November 10, 2008
Silly Sentences Just for Fun!
Pick the month you were born:
January-------I kicked
February------I loved
March--------I karate chopped
April----------I licked
May----------I jumped on
June----------I smelled
July-----------I did the Macarena with
August--------I had lunch with
September----I danced with
October-------I sang to
November-----I yelled at
December-----I ran over
Pick the day (number) you were born on:
1--------- a birdbath
2--------- a monster
3--------- a phone
4--------- a fork
5--------- a snowman
6--------- a gangster
7--------- my mobile phone
8--------- my dog
9--------- my best friends' boyfriend
10------- my neighbor
11------- my science teacher
12------- a banana
13------- a fireman
14------- a stuffed animal
15------- a goat
16------- a pickle
17------- your mom
18------- a buffalo
19------- a Smurf
20------- a baseball bat
21------- a Ninja
22------- Chuck Norris
23------- a noodle
24------- a squirrel
25------- a football player
26------- President Bush
27------- David Letterman
28------- an Ipod
29------- a surfer
30------- a llama
31------- a homeless guy
Pick the color of shirt you are wearing:
White---------because I'm cool like that
Black---------because that's how I roll.
Pink-----------because I'm crazy.
Red-----------because the voices told me to.
Blue-----------because I'm cute and I do what I want
Green---------because I think I need some serious help.
Purple---------because I'm AWESOME!
Gray----------because Big Bird said to and he's my leader.
Yellow--------because someone offered me $1,000,000
Orange --------because my family thinks I'm stupid anyway.
Brown---------because I can.
Other----------because I'm a Ninja!
None----------because I can't control myself!
Now type out the sentence you made, in the comment line and review the ones that others have left. I can't wait to see what you get stuck with..........
Saturday, November 08, 2008
Fall Fun
A beautiful fall day with the family.
Today was such a beautiful day we just couldn't spend it at home. We loaded up and went down town to the Little Rock Riverfront where they just installed a new playground area. I must say, I am so impressed with the architects that designed this one. It is a very cool play area. There is a slide, loads of tunnels, climbing ladders and rock climbing walls made with real rocks. I'm very surprised the insurance geeks allowed them to build it. It is an awesome place. The girls were having so much fun. Dad joined in the fun with a game of chase.
Sunday, November 02, 2008
A Mother's Pride
If not, I hope you enjoy it.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Wednesday, October 01, 2008
Blessed Love
Through these 14 years, Marty and I have grown closer together but not only that we have grown closer together with God. God wasn't a huge part of the start of our marriage but He has become a huge part through the course of it and I believe that makes the difference for us. I thank God each day for the day He brought Marty into my life. He has such a wonderful plan set for us and I pray that we continue to seek His guidance in making our life together only more of a blessing.
I can't put into words the emotions that run through me when I think of my husband: love, admiration, pride, desire, comfort and peace are just a few. He is my companion, my confidant, my support and my lover. He is everything I had ever dreamed of.
I LOVE YOU more then you will ever know.
Happy Anniversay, Baby!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
My Baby is Eleven
Eleven years ago today at 3:52 pm my beautiful 9 lbs 5 oz baby girl was born. I was young, naive and scared out of my mind but she was so beautiful and sweet. She has been such a blessing to her daddy and me. She is talented both musically and intellectually. She is confident and outgoing. She is strong and yet she is tender hearted.
I have one birthday wish for you Em: may you always know in your heart that you are special and specially loved.
I don't want to see you grow up because I don't want to see you move away but at the same time I can't wait to see what you who you will become and all that you will accomplish. You have much to offer the world and I know what ever you dream, you will achieve.
Happy Birthday Baby! I LOVE YOU WITH ALL MY HEART!
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Juniors! Cadettes! Ambassadors! Oh My!!!!!!!!
K - 1st grade = Daisy
2nd - 3rd grade = Brownies
4th - 5th grade = Juniors
6th - 8th grade = Cadettes
9th - 10th grade = Seniors
11th -12th grade = Ambassadors
This is all fine and good but I wasn't planning on moving two of my juniors up to Cadettes until next year (I have to move them 1 year earlier then planned) and I wasn't looking at moving the 7 juniors up to Cadettes until the end of the following year. But, new rules and new changes and all is not the same. That's okay though. We will make this work. I just received new Junior training and will take Cadette training in 2 weeks and then Ambassador training. I will get this working. Cheri and I will be working hard to get us in alignment. Pray for us though. It does get complicated in a hurry.
Well, I must go work on budgets, scout level blog sites and make some scout phone calls. Well try to keep you posted with all the news.
Friday, August 29, 2008
Has it been that long?
I can't believe the girls have been in school for two weeks already. It doesn't seem like it. I haven't even posted their first day of school photos.
Emily is in middle school now and has so much going on. She works the book store every Thursday morning with her best friend Maddy. She is joining clubs, (which isn't like joining clubs when we were in school - so we will find out which clubs she in next week) and already bringing home permission slips for special trips. With GT she will be going to the Heifer Ranch for three days and two nights. That sounds like a cool trip. She will do that in October. Once a month starting in Septmeber, she will be going with GT to a local nursering home where she will play games, read stores and just socialize with the residence there. Luckily this will go toward one or more of her GS badges also. Then the big trip is in the spring when she gets to so to Huntsville, Alabama to space camp. She is very excited about. I even applied to be a chaperone for that one. We'll see if I get picked.
Erin is now in the elementary school by herself and I actually think this is working better for her. She is working really hard in school and is progressing better then I could hope. She has her first spelling test of the year today and she was ready for it on Monday which is a huge improvement over last year. She loves her teacher and is excited about learning cursive. Aunt Tammie found her a cursive book to help her practice and it just happens to be the exact one that they are using in class. That is too cool. However for us old people, the cursive that we learned doesn't look anything like the cursive their learning and it's very difficult for me to help her. Our cursive had lots of loops and curves to it. The new cursive is very blocky. I swear I didn't know that it was possible to make the letter c with straight lines when your writing in cursive. I'll have to find you a sample of it. It's crazy. That's public education. It changes one way and then changes another.
Three weeks since the Hicks moved
What???? It can't be that long! They were just packing the house. We were just at the Walk together. We were just making bookmarks together. We were just working VBS together. We were just geocaching Searcy in a mad spree together.
Life gets away from us too fast. We must learn to stop and enjoy the good things and not stress over pooh bear's head getting broke. We can't run around screaming at the kids because before we know it their not kids anymore and they moved off to college or their own life. What I'm saying is we need to take the time for those we love why their with us. Let's not keep putting it off. The laundry can get done later, the vaccuming isn't important, so there's a ring around the toilet - tell me 95% of the toilet in the homes don't have a ring around it up to 2 hours before the guest walk in the door, but who really cares? And if they do, the are welcome to clean it them selves. I've got plenty of the cleaning products in the hall closet. That's why there's a ring in the toliet, the products are in the wrong place.
I know I'm making jokes but I miss my friend. I'm still talking to her on the phone and email. I still having a pillow fight on fb with her. I know what time she's getting up. I know that she is working out. I know when she is gone to get the girls and I even know what the weather is like where she is. I do still miss her.
Kristi, I don't care if you don't have anything to blog or if you blog the same stupid routine a hundred times. It comes from you and you had a hand in it and I know that your there. That's what matters. I don't care if you post everthing you eat or drink in the day. Though I will say it because I know if I don't I'll regret it: No bathroom stop schedule. I hope your regular but I don't have to know it.
New Phones
The nice mommy has moved into my house. I don't know where she came from and I don't why but she is there. Don't believe me? Ask my girls. Emily and Erin are proud owners of the new LG scoop phones. Em's is ......... blue and Erin's is ........ purple. Duh! I don't know what possessed me to talk their dad into it but I did. I was having issues with Erin not being in the same school with Em and so I wanted her to have a phone. Makes sense right? Then why is one of the rules for Erin that she can't take it to school with her? Not that she or Emily can use it in either place but it's for them to use when they get out of school and I'm running late or need to send them a message. Yet, Em's is off all day - per our rule and Erin's is at home on the bar until Erin gets home from school via me.
I must be careful because the next thing the nice mommy might do is get them a laptop or a tv in their rooms. YIKES!!!!!
Oh and I got a new phone too. I know don't know what is up with that but I now have a blackberry pearl. And I sooooo like my new phone., except that I need ringtones. Again see missing Kristi.
News Release: Bigfoot Sighting
I almost forgot to tell you that I have found "BIGFOOT". There is no more searching to be done. I have found him. Well actually her and actually two hers. We took Emily and Erin to get new tennis shoes for school. We went to Penney's because they were having a sale. Bad idea because they only had one girl working and the place was a mess but that is another story. Emily found a pair that the liked and she asked the lady for a six. Now, I don't know if you know anything about shoe sizes but they start at 0 and go through 13 for infants to kids then they start back over at 1 and go up for adults. Emily was asking for the 6 that comes after the 13. The lady is taking a long time and I'm thinking about the fact that Em has asked for a 6. Penney's has all the tennis shoes for the kids and womens and mens in the same area so I walk over to the womens and find a size 6 Nike. I ask Emily to come over and try it on. IT FITS!!! WHAT? Erin walks over and really likes the shoe and wants to try it on. I know that she likes to take my flip flops and wear them so I thought what the heck. IT FIT HER TOO! WHAT? Em is 10 (though she will be 11 in 25 days) and Erin is 8. Let me say that again: Erin is 8. "BigFoot" has moved into my house and ate my daughters. Erin can wear a size 6x childs shirt and a size 6 womens shoe and her daddy can touch thumb to thumb and middle finger to middle finger around her waist. That ain't right I don't care how you slice it.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
A Whirl Wind of Activies
Marty's Birthday, Mom's Birthday, Women's Walk to Emmaus #135, Hicks moving to Omaha and School n Scouts start next week.
Walk to Emmaus #135
If you haven't heard me talk about the walk to emmaus then you must not have heard my testimony about my faith and about Marty's and my decision to help start a new Methodist congregation in Cabot. The Walk to Emmaus was second of two major turning points on my faith walk and now I have oppurtunity to go back and work walks and be a servant of God for others as they take their piligrim walks.
I was lucky enough this time to work the walk with three of my best girl friends and my best best friend, Marty. Going back to work is such an awesome experience. It helps to refocus my life back on God because the activities of life pull me away so quickly.
This weekend I re-experienced His love in away that I have only found when I've been on a walk. Though I worked and am now physically exhausted, I'm so ready to go back and work. It was even better being there with Marty and the girls, but I found that I have so many wonderful people there that mean so much more to me then I will ever be able to tell them. Grace, Shelly, Lana, Rick, Joy, Chris, Veda, Vada, and the list could go on and on. These are wonderful people who I just can't wait to see again when I go back to the next walk. September seems like a very long time away.
I did get some very special news though, my friend Wendy is going to go on her piligrim walk in Oct. I'm so excite and can't wait to see her and then to talk to her about her walk. I wish I was working it. If I could take that much time off and they would let me, I think I would work every walk, but that isn't allowed for very good reason. I just so enjoy being a servant of God on those walks.
Corn Girl :(
As with every Emmaus Walk, you have to come back to reality on Monday. Sometimes it happens Tuesday or Wednesday but you do have to come back from that Mountain Top experinence. It's just the way it is.

It's no different this time but is more then just a bad day at work or a problem with the car or house. This time I got to come home each day to watch movers pack one of my best friend's house so that they could load her stuff into a truck and move her from here to Omaha, 10 hours away. No more quick hugs, no more lets go have dinner, no more "Hey can your run get the kids.". She's only a phone call, text message, facebook, blogspot away but it is still extremely painful. I'M NOT CRYING. I have vowed not to cry because God has a plan for her and her family and it's in Omaha at the moment and I support her family in this. I love God and trust Him but it is really hard to accept everything, I am only human here. Some think that I'm just crazy for not crying but to be honest - if this dam breaks it will be weeks before the flooding stops so it's best to keep the plug in it. It has almost broke all day but I'm still hanging in there.
Guess what I had for dinner in her honor? Well corn of course. Gonna have it tomorrow and the next day too. Why? Because I can. Good thing I like corn. I was teasing her yesterday about being corn girl and she started calling me rice girl because I work in the rice fields. So, here we are: Corn Girl and Rice Girl.
Okay, I'm done writing. Think I'll go climb in bed with a container of ice cream.
Monday, August 04, 2008
Happy Birthday, Sweetheart!
If you never been around my sweet fabulous husband then you don't know how wonderful and great he is. I am trully blessed. He is my dream come true and I'm so very proud to be his wife.
I LOVE YOU! Have a great day.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Braces are on!!
WOW! I can't tell you how proud I am of my baby. She got her braces on today. She didn't scream and carry on at all. She listened and was a true champ. She is hurting some now but that is to be expected. I know that the pain will be there but will be so worth it in the end.
Friday, July 25, 2008
Time Management
The last three weeks
July 14-18 was VBS - Power Lab. I'm the children's ministries director for our church and so I'm the head hauncho to make sure that it all gets done. Luckily, I've learned to deligate (well I'm learning) and this year's VBS director and co director were outstanding. They worked hard and we had another outstanding week with a few minor devil caused hiccups (like one of our pastors falling during setup and breaking her wrist.) We had 106 children on Monday and Tuesday, 104 children on Wednesday, 105 children on Thursday and 94 children on Friday. We had a Thursday night dinner and performance and sliming and had over 200 people in attendance. Plus we were able to raise over $1800.00 for the local EXCEL program ( This is only our third year of VBS and each year we are growning. It is so exciting to see Jesus working through all the volunteers that week. It always exhaust me but I'm always so proud of the team that comes to work during that week and before making decorations and special project to make it happen. God is so good.
Saturday was relax day and that's what I did. Our close friends have a house on Greers Ferry Lake and a party barge and so on Saturday Marty, the girls and I joined them up there for nothing but lazying around in the water all day. If you know how busy I am then you might be able to guess how little time I have to be out in the sun. So this white girl got cooked. I mean make yourself sick, can't walk cooked. I know what your thinking, I should have used sun screen, well rest assured I'm not crazy enough anymore and I did and I reapplied it 3 or 4 or 5 times. I still got sun burned. I was so sun burned I couldn't make it to church on Sunday morning and the kiddo sang their VBS music during the worship service and we had visitors. Oh how I hate that I missed it. I thought I was being smart. Guess I need stronger sunblock for these white legs.
It's Friday and I'm still suffering from the sunburn. Now I'm peeling and itching. Doesn't matter how much lotion I put on, I itch. Oh well. Leaving my DNA all over the place is kind of funny.
The other latest adventure accured last night. My godson, AJ, had an accident with his hand and a door jam. The door jam won. He got his left hand middle finger caught in it and he pulled it out leaving about an eighth of an inch of his finger missing. So off to the emergency room with a race to see which aunt, uncle or parent could get to him faster. See he was with his babysitter. I won, I got there about 5 to 10 minutes after the babysitter. Course, his momma had to come from the other side of Little Rock in rush hour traffic so that wasn't really a fair race. I make light because other then a scare and the fact that the finger is a little bit shorter then you would expect, he's fine. As his uncle Marty kept telling him, Chic's dig scares, so it's all good now.
Well that is the highlights and if I get ambisious enough then I might even get some photos up. Don't hold it against me if I don't. I'm trying.
Monday, July 14, 2008
The Cat Fairy
Okay, which one of you has decided that VBS is the time of the year for the Cat Fairy to come? Last year at the end of VBS, we were "blessed" with a kitten on our front steps. This year, on the first day of VBS (today), I come home to find that the Cat Fairy has made a drop on our back porch!!!!
HELLO! We are not shopping for cats. We are not the city cat people. So please stop delivering them to us.
Now - Anyone want a cat????
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Just one word.
Here's the deal: answer the following question but the catch is to only use one word answers. ONLY ONE WORD.
1. Where is your cell phone? desk
2. What are you wearing right now? clothes
3. Your hair?: brown
4. Your mother?: Sherwood
5. Your father?: Heaven
6. Your favorite hobby? geocaching
7. Your dream last night? none
8. Your favorite drink? margarita
9. Your dream/goal? healthier
10. The room you're in? cubicle
11. Your ex? not
12. Fear? snakes
13. Where do you want to be in 6 years? bermuda
14. Where were you last night? Home
15. What you're not? fake
16. Muffins? blueberry
17. One of your wish list items? contenment
18. Where you grew up? Sherwood
19. The last thing you did? read
20. What are you going to do this weekend? entertain
21. Your TV? old
22. Your pets? cats
23. Your computer? dell
24. Your life? crazy
25. Your Mood? joyful
26. Missing someone? Emily
27. Your car? Suburban
28. Something you are not wearing? socks
29. Favorite Store? JCPenneys
30. Your summer? Hot
31. Like someone? Everyone
32. Your favorite color? purple
33. When is the last time you laughed? yesterday
34. Last time you cried? Sunday
35. Who will/would repost this? Tiffany
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Job Changes) For those of you who don't know - my job has changed and has many uncertainties to it now. I am now the State Irrigation Engineer and technically my office is on the fifth floor of the federal building in Little Rock. Now the idea of being the SIE is really cool but the new responsibilities are huge. The location of the job is an issue for me because this is the same federal building that Timothy McVay once considered as a location for bombing though he chose Oklahoma's Federal Building instead. I don't think like an extremist so to think that one person out there thought of this building makes me concerned about the other extremist that exist in the world. The scope of my job is the other issue - I've been working on irrigation project almost since day one on the job and I believe in the irrigation projects. They are designed to reduce the ground water consumption of farmers to a tolerable amount in order to keep from depleting the water source. The solution to the problem is to divert excess drainage water out of local rivers for their use. I fully believe in being good stewards of the land and believe that using our resources wisely is how we can honor God. How this relates to change is that because of legal suits against the government, funding for my office has been almost nil and thus the powers that be want to shut the office or reorganize it, as is the latest endeavor. I believe in these projects and don't want to stop working on them, but I work for the federal government and thus must do what some bureaucrat in Washington feels is important and not what I feel is important.
Girl Scout changes) Scouts is a huge part of my world. I have two girls who love scouts, a husband who should have made Eagle Scout, a mother-in-law that was a scout/leader/training for GS and the one of the first den mothers, two nephews who are Eagle Scouts, a aunt-in-law that is a life time scout and my very fond memories of my little time in scouts. Well, like all things people move up in positions and think that they need to make their mark on something and they start tinkering with it to make it "better." Well, if it ain't broke, don't fix it. I'm sure that this too will work out fine but I like scouts how it is. I'm a very old school type scout and like the structure of the organization and I even like the uniforms for ceremonial purposes.
Friends change) It's moving season again in Cabot. We live in a community that has either lived there their entire life or are military (usually) transients. Every spring/summer, the moves start happening and we have to say good bye to someone that we have come to know. Well, this time it isn't a military friend but a UP friend. Thanks UP for bringing them here but do you have to all the good promotions in Omaha? Can't there be any really cool plush engineering jobs here in Arkansas? My family has grown extremely close to the Hicks family in the last year. The girls are more like sisters and Kristi and I are more like sisters then I would have thought possible for only really knowing her for a year and a half. I was there with her through the darkness of her sister's death and now I have to watch as she moves away to a city 10-12 hours away. With gas prices and economic trends, I know face to face visits are going to be very limited at best and that just isn't the same. Again change is good, but change still hurts.
Kids change) Hey did you know that my first born is now 10 years old? She is leaving elementary school next Tuesday for the last time as a student there and will be officially a middle schooler. Do you know that she is on the edge of becoming a teen and all those wonderful hormonal changes that come with it? I didn't either until just the other day. Wow, were did the time go? Just the other day, I was pregnant and scared out of my mind about child birth. I'm so very proud of her because she is an awesome, sweet, respectful young girl but am I ready for the next phase? I don't think I have a choice.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Technology Challenged
Well, here's were it goes wrong. Last night was Emily's last elementary school musical and I was all excited because I was going to record it and post it on my blog. Alexis could see Emily way over in Japan. Yeah, that didn't happen. I went to make sure that I had the tape in the right spot because I didn't remember if I had after I had learned to download. Well, the recorder ate the tape. Okay no biggy there because I had nothing of importance on there really because it was a new tape we had purchase when I dusted the thing off and had only recorded some none important things. So, I fix the tape and tried making it play. No dice. No video is on that tape now. Okay, so I try recording. No dice. Flashes "Tape" at me and locks up. Okay, try another brand new tape. No dice. Press record, it starts, then it hangs up and flashes "Tape" at me. Get it froze and it will rewind or fast forward or play but try to record an "Tape", "Tape", "Tape". Okay, I get it.
So instead of me blogging and showing you my first video of my "baby girl" just before she leaves behind elementary school and enters the world of middle school, I'm blogging about crappy technology. Sorry, but you missed a GREAT musical. Oh and you'll also get to miss her second piano recital, because it is Thursday night and I just don't see me getting over this technical hurdle that quick.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Happy Birthday Baby Girl
I didn't get to spend the day with her like I wanted to. I have found that with the end of school, Memorial Weekend and Mother's day, May is a very, very busy month and if you happen to have birthday in that month it's almost impossible to get a birthday party scheduled. So like most of our month, other things took president today. That makes me very sad. My beautiful, precious child spent the day at church and then at a friends where she wrecked her bike and skinned her arm and leg up. I wasn't even there to hold her when she cried.
She did get to have her birthday party last night though. She had a swimming party at the local indoor pool. She was so excited because she got 7 new webkinz and now she has more than her sister. I don't have her pictures handy to post but will get them up soon. She has grown so much in 8 years.
My baby!!!
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
Tagged by Tiffany
How long have you been married? we will be married 14 years this October.
Where did you meet? We meet at a friends house. He had been dating a girl for 3 years and I was dating one of his friends.
How long did you date? We started dating June 9th, 2001 and got engaged March 28th, 2003.
How old is he? He is 8 months older then me.
Who eats more? He does
Who said “I love you” first? I did
Who is taller? He is
Who sings better? We sing about the same.
Who is smarter? I think he is. Neither of us have had an iq test so who knows.
Whose temper is worse? MINE
Who does the laundry? we both do
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Is the right side when your laying down or when your standing at the foot looking at the headboard?
Who pays the bills? I do
Who cooks dinner? We both do
Who drives when you are together? 90% of the time he does
Who is more stubborn? Me
Who kissed whom first? We kissed each other first.
Who is the first to admit to being wrong? He is.
Whose parents do you see the most? we see them about the same
Who proposed? He did
What’s his best physical attribute? His blue eyes
Who has more friends? I do
What are you most proud of him for? wow - what am I not proud of him for?
Who has more siblings? I do
Who wears the pants in the family? We rule the house together.
Okay Tiff, there are the details. I tag Laura because other then Kristi, whom Tiffany already tagged, none of my friends blog.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Not the Mommy!
I don't like the mom that I am becoming. I believe in being strict because I believe that my girls need to be taught that they are resposible for their actions and no one is to blame for their bad choices, but lately their choices are getting them into trouble. They're not doing anything that most people would get upset about, but again I'm the strict mom. I'm after them all the time and I'm loosing my temper almost on a daily bases and I don't like to. I've seen both of my girls in tears because of me almost everyday for of the last 7. That isn't what I want at all. This isn't the mom that I want to be.
I love my girls and I know they are great. I know that Em is intelligent and outgoing and confident but I'm always on her case. I know that Erin is intelligent and kind and loving but I'm always hard on her about school work.
I've been feeling like a monster lately and I just want to be a loving Mom. Not a best friend Mom but a loving, care what I think, be there to talk to Mom.
Today is my birthday and I'd rather not celebrate it because I've become a person I don't like and that isn't something to celebrate.
Friday, April 25, 2008
I love Spring
I enjoyed it so much that after we were done up there at noon, I came home in ripped out my front flower bed. Though you really can't call it a flower bed because the only flower in there is a rose bush that I keep trying to kill (it isn't something I want to spend time up keeping) and the gardenia bush that I planted two years ago that has not bloomed yet. I want to expand my bed to 8 feet by the length of the house south from the front door and then I want to create a bed that goes north that you would walk through to go to the garage. I want to also put one there along the side of the garage. The plans are all in my head but I'll try to take some time and draw then out so you can see. I'll also take some pictures this weekend of what it looks like now. Crap would be the word I would describe it as now.
Since I've got this project in mind, that is what I told the girls I wanted for my birthday. Flowers for the flower beds. I want to see butterflies and hummingbirds and birds all around my yard. I've always loved flowers and having gardens. My grandmother and mother had flowers and flower beds everywhere when I was growing up. I love the smell of gardenias because of the one that grew just out the door of the playhouse. That is my favorite scent.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
She blogs!!!!
Severe Weather
We have had record severe weather here in Arkansas. Snow at the first of March, then rain that caused flooding and then tornadoes that came way too close to home and then more rain and more flooding.
I am trying to figure out how to get my old camcorder hooked up so I can share the video I shot of the Arkansas River. It is absolutely amazing to see the river completely out of it's banks. I drove over to our construction site by the White River and was just in total awe of the magnitude of water. You have to see it to believe it. I saw it and still can't wrap my mind around it. It's actually a good thing that our project is stopped for litigation because that site is under water.
The tornadoes where a little too close for comfort and too many of my friends were even closer then I like. There was officially 10 come through from one wall cloud. I just consider it one that just kept touching down but they call it 10 separate ones. Marty and I were watching TiVo TV so we were behind on the warnings that were coming out. We had just caught up with real time when we really started looking at the path projections. I don't usually get worked up about storms (guess I've been through too many that were nothing) so we don't normally even do more then just watch the broadcast but for some reason we both felt that we needed to get up and get dressed for the weather. So we did and we even got the girls out of their beds and put them in ours. I've NEVER done that. (They slept through it though.) About that time, the phones started ringing. First Mom, because it had just past her and she knew it was projected at us. While I was talking with Mom, John called Marty's phone. I called Stacey because they are just down the street from us and if it was coming our way it had to pass them first. Her family went next door then to a neighbors storm cellar so I didn't have to worry about her. Marty called his mom while I talked to Stacey. She said that it wasn't bad there because it had gone east of them. Christine called me after I got off the phone with Stacey. They were doing well but they were concerned. Their power went out while we were on the phone. We had lost satellite but we still have an air wave TV in the kitchen so we could still see the news plus Marty has his ham radio license. So I stayed on the phone with her. The tornado turned and took the path it had taken when it wiped out Cabot in the 70's. Which was a lot closer to Christine than to us. Like I said too close. They didn't have any damage but there was lots of damage around the city park/pool off of Richie Lane. Needless to say we didn't get much sleep that night. I was on the phone calling friends to check on them.
Later I found out I had friends even closer then I knew: Laura, Melanie, Mr. & Mrs. Merritt, Ronnie & TJ.
It did a lot of damage to the baseball field at Sylvan Hills and my old high school, Sylvan Hills High.
The other things that have been happening is that Emily has started singing with the Praise Band at church on Sundays. She is really good and is starting to not look scared to be up there. Again if I can get through some technical challenges I'll post some video of her.
She decided that she wanted to do a talent show, so she looked in the paper and found the "Babies and Children's ABCExpo". She was very serious about it and kept reminding us what date and that she really wanted to go. So we took her. She performed Hannah Montana's "Rock Star" for the audition. They only took the top 10 talents for the show. She didn't make the show but she was great about it. She did well but it was her first audition and there were many of the "pageant/talent show" kids that were there also. Who knows, we maybe doing it again.
She is working hard at the moment on getting ready for her second piano recital. She is working on 4 pieces. I don't know the day of the recital yet but will be posting about it soon.
Little Miss Sunshine is working hard at school. She is still struggling with reading and writing. So if you get a letter from her, would you please be her pen pal? She doesn't like story writing so we are trying to let her write letters to friend telling about her life to get her to practice. She just finished benchmark testing at school and said that it was easy, so lets hope we're moving in the right direction. I do think the glasses have helped though.
We have our first annual Easter Egg hunt and it was a huge success. I got to do the planning this year but I hope to have someone serve as Family Events coordinator and take that off my plate. We had it at a new members home and it was fabulous. They have huge yard out in the country. It worked out great except that it was really wet from loads of rain that we have been getting. Didn't dampen any ones spirits though and we all had a fabulous egg hunt for over 1500 eggs.
On Palm Sunday, the kids started the service with a parade of palm branches then stole the show with a performance of two songs. It was so wonderful to see the kids sing "Come to Jesus" and "Get Up, Get Up". Again, if I can get the technology worked out, I know where a video of it is.
There is more but I guess I can try to type that soon.
Saturday, March 08, 2008
Snowing in Arkansas in March
How do you like the Christmas decorations in March??? Marty used the big C9 set this year on the Snoopy tree and he liked it so much, he has left them up. He asked me to get different colors so that he could just change out the bulbs with the season. Unfortunately by the time he asked me this they weren't out any more. So if you see ANY color C9 bulbs please let me know or pick them up for me. I'd love to present him with: purple, pink, spring green, kelly green, blue, orange, sky blue, royal blue. It would be so funny.
Check out how it looked like the burning bush in this picture!!!!
Pretty cool, uhhh?
Monday, February 25, 2008
Proud Momma Moment
Emily reads very welll. This again isnt' a Momma opinion, this is what I hear when someone who doesn't know her hears her read aloud.
Well, Emily has decided to join the praise band at church and yesterday was her first day singing on stage on a microphone. Not only did she sing but she read a passage by herself for the congregation. Other then she looked a little unconfortable, it was her first time after all, she did a very good job at both. It isn't her first time reading a passage for the church, because she read one of the readings during Christmas of the lighting of the advent candles.
She is still taking piano lessons and now I guess I will have to get her voice lessons. Oh well, if this is the talent that God has given her, and she is comfortable using it, then I will be glad to encourage her every step of the way.
EMILY - your daddy and I couldn't have been more proud of you yesterday. Keep up the great work for God that your doing. WE LOVE YOU!! Mom
Saturday, February 09, 2008
Go 88
I'll have to see if I can make a checker flag for my banner.
I love the engineering of racing. It takes so much engineering to get a car to go around the different tracks and win week after week or almost week after week. Each track is unique and requires different technology.
In other news for today - I'm ready for winter to be done.
Today it was close to 70 degrees. So Marty and I loaded the bikes in the truck and to the girls down to the river trail for a ride. We started at the NLR Alltel Arena end this time instead of in the middle at Burns Park like we normally do. Marty and I had done that trail but not with the girls. We got started and decided that twe would just see how far the girls wanted to go. The NLR side is about 7 miles from Alltel to the Big Dam bridge. We made it to boat ramp by the Burns Park golf course which is about 4.5 miles and then we turned around and went back for a total of 9 miles.
Marty and I hadn't had enough yet so we left there and went down to the county farm trail and did another 3 miles round trip out to the peninsula that you can see from I-440 looking toward Penicle Mountain. This is a flat ride and doesn't take as much effort. It was a great ride. Though I'm going to pay for it tomorrow. My knees are screaming at me now. I hurt them growning up and now it doesn't take much. I pray that as I get older that I will not hurt them to the point that I can't do what I love to do - hike, bike and camp.
I haven't gotten to down load my pictures from today yet but I will get them on line as soon as I can.
Friday, February 08, 2008
Denver for a Week & a new job
Okay, my first time in Denver is very uneventful. I flew out Sunday and arrived around 4:00 pm. I didn't have a rental car so was kind of stuck at the hotel. I am not a very experienced traveler and not a very adventureous person on my own, so I basicly went to my room, went to dinner across the street and then back to my room. Monday through Thursday was class from 7:00 am until 5:00 pm each day and again being the safe, cautious and boring person that I am I didn't miss any of my classes. I did miss one yesterday, but I was trying to change my flight for today for the earlier one. I had originally wanted all day today to explore and make the most of my trip but did I say yet that I'm rather cautious and unadventerous when alone? Well I didn't want to try to get around by myself and I didn't know what to do with my luggage and I didn't have transportation.
I really wanted to see the mountains up close and personal but I guess I will have to do that another time. I'm pretty sure if I was not married I would rarely adventure away from my house because I'm just too cautious. Now you wouldn't know this if you really knew me because when I'm with a group a friends, I'm always the one that takes the dare. I've just got to try it and if my friends are standing there encouraging, well, you just never know what I might do. Alone me is a complete different person.
I did get to see a really neat snow fall. I will have to upload photos later because they are giving me errors at the moment.
The other news is my new job. I am, as of Feb 3, 2008, the State Irrigation Engineer for NRCS in Arkansas. My official office is now Little Rock though I will be working on the same projects that I've been working on since 1996. Thus the reason why I am actually in Denver, an irrigation conference. I have been learning how irrigation is done in the western states so that I can have a better understanding when I communicate about my job. I'm excited, scared and overwhelmed but I can do it. It will require more responsibility but my boss seems to have confidence in me and that is good.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Way to Go Emily
Marty and I are so very proud of her. My nephew, Dylan, has been recognized by Duke University and many doors have been opening for him and now Emily is being offered unique opportunities also.
Emily, daddy and I love you so very much and are so very proud of all your hard work at school. We pray that you will take every oppurtunity that opens to you and use it to your best ability. God has blessed you with the world and the ability is yours to make the most of it.
Monday, January 14, 2008
Day 13 and Friends
"I am my beloved's, and his desire is toward me." Song of Solomon 7:10
Okay this day's encouragement is too personal to put on my blog but let's just say that in this department my husband rocks my world and I never feel that I'm not his desire.
Thank you God for giving me such an amazing man.
Revealing myself to my friends:
In honor of Tiffany in Japan, I'm taking the challange of blogging these personal questions. Here is what you didn't know about me.
1. What time did you get up this morning? 4:28 am cst
2. Diamonds or pearls? Diamonds
3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema? Can't remember
4. What is your favorite TV show? Numbers
5. What do you usually have for breakfast? coffee and muffin
6. What is your middle name? Joann
7. What food do you dislike? vegetables
8. What is your favorite CD at moment? CD??? you mean ipod playlist right?
9. What kind of car do you drive? 2001 Chevrolet Suburban
10. Favorite sandwich? Nutella
11. What characteristic do you despise? Lying
12. Favorite item of clothing? bathrobe at the moment
13. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you go? Australia
14. Favorite brand of clothing? don't have one
15. Where would you retire to? in the mountains in a cabin
16. What was your most recent memorable birthday? 2006 when Marty got me my Canon rebel digital camera
17. Favorite sport to watch? Nascar
18. Furthest place you are sending this? Japan and Germany
19. Person you expect to send it back first? doubt anyone will
20. What is favorite animal? wolf
21. When is your birthday? April (month of the diamond)
22. Are you a morning person or a night person? Morning
23. What is your shoe size? 8 ½
24. Pets? 2 cats
25. Any new and exciting news you'd like to share with us? Nothing new but exciting - Christ died for you
26. What did you want to be when you were little? A baby doctor
27. How are you today? Healthy and doing better then last week
28. What is your favorite candy? Snickers
29. What is your favorite flower? Gardenia
30. What is a day on the calendar you are looking forward to? Feb 3 - I have a business trip to Denver and I have never been there
31. Mountains or the beach? mountains
32. What is your full name? You know my middle - why my full
33. What are you listening to right now? Nothing
34. What was the last thing you ate? Muffin
35. Do you wish on stars? Yes
36. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Purple
37. How is the weather right now? It is clear and sunny
38. Last person you spoke to on the phone? Stacey
39. Favorite soft drink? When not dieting - Mt. Dew
40. Favorite restaurant? Red Lobster
41. Hair color? brown
42. What was your favorite toy as a child? baby dolls
43. Summer or winter? Summer
44. Hugs or kisses? Both
45. Chocolate or Vanilla? Chocolate
46. Coffee or tea? both
47. Do you want your friends to email you back? Well, I always love emails from my dear friends. Lets me know they are still keeping tabs on me.
48. When was the last time you cried? Last week everytime I drove in the drive and saw our empty yard
49. What is under your bed? clothes
50. What did you do last night? Disciple IV bible study
51. What are you afraid of? Loosing Marty or my kids
52. Salty or sweet? sweet
53. How many keys on your keyring? car ring - 1, work ring - 4, house ring - 8
54. How many years at your current job? 15
55. Favorite day of the week? Saturday
56. How many towns have you lived in? 4
57. Do you make friends easily? yes
58. How many people will you send this too? blogging it - so I don't know
59. How many will respond? didn't we already do this one?
60. If you could experience anything in the whole world, what would you want to do and why? Scuba diving, Snow Skiing, White Water Rafting, Backpacking in the Rockies and the Appalachians (I love the outdoors and these are things I want to do before I can't)
Friday, January 11, 2008
Loosing Focus
One of my dearest and best friends called me this morning and she was soooo excited. She has been gone all week at a conference and she is fired up about what she learned and wants to spread the word. (Which I'm very glad for and support her 100%) I just am not excited to hear it. Not that it is her or the subject, it's just me. I don't like being this way because I support her work and her enthusiasium, I just wish I had it too. She wanted to get together this afternoon and normally if she has been gone as much as she has I'm right there. Drop everthing, reschedule, There. But today when she ask, I just couldn't and it has been eating at me since I got off the phone. I'm not a put my friends at arms length type person. I'm the hug, high fives, support beyond any cost type. This mood has got to go.
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
Dentist/Orthodontist = Evil Tormentors ????
Today's visit started like all the others. She goes in smiling and the assistant calls her name, she and I go back where she promptly climbs up in the chair grabs the gameboy provided and begins to play. The assistant calls for an x-ray which just brightens her day more and she hopes out of the chair heads to get the x-ray and comes back with an even bigger smile.
The assistance takes a look in her mouth and talks with her about her 3 loose teeth and they laugh and carry on. Doc walks up and looks at her mouth, talks to her about her 3 loose teeth, tell me to look at the front top because he thinks the next time in he will start putting brackets on the front, and then he promptly turns to the assistant and says "take out her appliance".....
You would have thought he just told her to jab a hundred needles into my child. Emily came completely and totally unhinged. She was hollering, crying and begging for Esop (her lamb she sleeps with). She was unconsoleable by him, the assistant and Mom. We tried to console her for about 5-10 minutes. Nothing would calm her down. And they haven't even touched her!!! Remember he has only given a verbal instruction to his assistant. The doc is getting flustrated with her, as is mom, and gets in her face about her behavior and tells her Mom will have to leave if she doesn't stop. He explains that it won't hurt and exactly what it will take to get the spider out. NO. Not working. He finally makes her open her mouth and pulls the right side off and then the left. She never even screamed about pain. She was fighting him and crying though. Then she wouldn't allow him to scrap the glue off completely. When he's finally had enough he asked her if is actually had pain and my stubborn, mule headed daughters says "Just a little." She doesn't know what pain is!! She can't even consided that it actually didn't hurt and that she was wrong. And to think we still have to put braces on?????
I love my daughter but I've never so not wanted to be her mother then that moment. I don't mean for that to sound bad because I would never trade her and couldn't ask for a better daughter - most of the time. I just don't get this side of her. Her fear is very real to her but unfounded. I don't know how to get her through this. Rational reasoning doesn't work, grounding doesn't work, offer of reward doesn't work... any ideas????
Oh and if your wondering, she isn't any better at the dentist when she gets her teeth cleaned.
Monday, January 07, 2008
Sad Day
October 2006 to January 6, 2008
Some days you just want a do over and try to change the events. This is one of those days for our family. Many of you know that our dog, Scout, has been sick since September. Even though we thought we had his condition in hand, sadly he passed away last night. I'm a dog lover. I always have been and our dog is like one of my kids. Some people think that is stupid but everyone is entitled to their opinion. Scout wasn't but 2 years old and had already had a hard life because he was hit by a car when he was 10 weeks old. We adopted him from our vet and had hope to give him a better life. Well things just don't work out the way we think some times. Instead, we had to wake our kids today and tell them that the dog they loved was gone and watched as they cried. All the while, knowing that we couldn't take away their pain because we couldn't even take away our pain.
Bye buddy, we miss you already. We love you!
Friday, January 04, 2008
Strong Character
"My God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus." (Philippians 4:19)
My husband is one of those considerate men who knows who he is and isn't afraid to show it. He isn't super physical strong but he is so very emotionally strong. I know how he feels most all of the time (because like all men he does get quite and not talk at times), but I never have to guess how he feels about me and our marriage. Thanks to God for creating such a wonderful man.
Thursday, January 03, 2008
For all he does
Day one of encouraging my husband was rather easy. I had a staff meeting at church and didn't really see him but about 30 minutes before I left and 30 minutes before we went to sleep. Though it really won't have been hard anyway. I have always said that God blessed me far beyond what I ever deserved when He brought Marty into my life and that still has not changed.
Today I'm suppose thank my husband for the way he serves me and our family. Well where do I begin? Marty has always been a doer. There is no job that he won't do and most of them he doesn't have to be asked to help do. I know. You don't have to say it. He is fabulous. He takes care of feeding the pets, he washes dishes, he washes/folds/puts away laundry, he makes sure the kids have their baths, he cooks, he vacuums, he does anything and everything and NEVER complains. I have the greatest husband and he loves me on top of all that. He makes me feel special and perfect and sexy.
He is Mr. Wonderful and he's all mine. THANK YOU God for such a wonderful but undeserved partner to share my life with.
Wednesday, January 02, 2008
New Year - New Adventures
Well I have made my resolutions with my husband and my family and I do plan on doing my best to keep them.
One that I am planning on doing is only 30 days and it is the 30 day Husband Encouragement Challenge for Wives (see I resolve for the next 30 days to: not say anything negative about my husband ... to my husband ... or to anyone else, about my husband and instead to say something that I admire or appreciate about him ... to him ... and to someone else about him!
I also resolve to pray for 31 days for him.
To get started - I am to thank him for "choosing me" above all other women. I plan on tell him this in person but so every one else knows without a doubt - I LOVE MY HUSBAND and I am so glad that he is my partner in life. I can't image going through life without him and love to experience each day with him. Going camping, hiking, bike riding, or doing work around the house is all fun because I do it with him. I thank God for leading me to him and for blessing our marriage.
"The heart of her husband safey trusts her; so he will have no lack of grain. She does him good and not evil all the days of her life." Proverbs 31:11-12
If you care to join me in this challege then please go to and click on the link to the challenges.