Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Dentist/Orthodontist = Evil Tormentors ????

Have I told you about my daughter and her adversion to any professional person working in her mouth? Well ..... today was the routine check up for Emily at the orthodontist. She has had a spider for about a year and a half and we go every 9 to 12 weeks for him to check in preparation for braces. Now she has seen this man since she was 7 and she is now 10. He has talked her through every process thus far and has caused her the bare minimum of pain (I can a sure you that the cat has hurt her far more then him or his staff.)

Today's visit started like all the others. She goes in smiling and the assistant calls her name, she and I go back where she promptly climbs up in the chair grabs the gameboy provided and begins to play. The assistant calls for an x-ray which just brightens her day more and she hopes out of the chair heads to get the x-ray and comes back with an even bigger smile.

The assistance takes a look in her mouth and talks with her about her 3 loose teeth and they laugh and carry on. Doc walks up and looks at her mouth, talks to her about her 3 loose teeth, tell me to look at the front top because he thinks the next time in he will start putting brackets on the front, and then he promptly turns to the assistant and says "take out her appliance".....

You would have thought he just told her to jab a hundred needles into my child. Emily came completely and totally unhinged. She was hollering, crying and begging for Esop (her lamb she sleeps with). She was unconsoleable by him, the assistant and Mom. We tried to console her for about 5-10 minutes. Nothing would calm her down. And they haven't even touched her!!! Remember he has only given a verbal instruction to his assistant. The doc is getting flustrated with her, as is mom, and gets in her face about her behavior and tells her Mom will have to leave if she doesn't stop. He explains that it won't hurt and exactly what it will take to get the spider out. NO. Not working. He finally makes her open her mouth and pulls the right side off and then the left. She never even screamed about pain. She was fighting him and crying though. Then she wouldn't allow him to scrap the glue off completely. When he's finally had enough he asked her if is actually had pain and my stubborn, mule headed daughters says "Just a little." She doesn't know what pain is!! She can't even consided that it actually didn't hurt and that she was wrong. And to think we still have to put braces on?????

I love my daughter but I've never so not wanted to be her mother then that moment. I don't mean for that to sound bad because I would never trade her and couldn't ask for a better daughter - most of the time. I just don't get this side of her. Her fear is very real to her but unfounded. I don't know how to get her through this. Rational reasoning doesn't work, grounding doesn't work, offer of reward doesn't work... any ideas????

Oh and if your wondering, she isn't any better at the dentist when she gets her teeth cleaned.

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