Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Tagged by Tiffany

Tiffany tagged me about my husband...

How long have you been married? we will be married 14 years this October.

Where did you meet? We meet at a friends house. He had been dating a girl for 3 years and I was dating one of his friends.

How long did you date? We started dating June 9th, 2001 and got engaged March 28th, 2003.

How old is he? He is 8 months older then me.

Who eats more? He does

Who said “I love you” first? I did

Who is taller? He is

Who sings better? We sing about the same.

Who is smarter? I think he is. Neither of us have had an iq test so who knows.

Whose temper is worse? MINE

Who does the laundry? we both do

Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Is the right side when your laying down or when your standing at the foot looking at the headboard?

Who pays the bills? I do

Who cooks dinner? We both do

Who drives when you are together? 90% of the time he does

Who is more stubborn? Me

Who kissed whom first? We kissed each other first.

Who is the first to admit to being wrong? He is.

Whose parents do you see the most? we see them about the same

Who proposed? He did

What’s his best physical attribute? His blue eyes

Who has more friends? I do

What are you most proud of him for? wow - what am I not proud of him for?

Who has more siblings? I do

Who wears the pants in the family? We rule the house together.

Okay Tiff, there are the details. I tag Laura because other then Kristi, whom Tiffany already tagged, none of my friends blog.