Friday, May 25, 2007

Beautiful Friends

I have the greatest friends and I have so many of them. I am truelly blessed in my life. I have a friend for every occasion of life. When I need someone to call to rant to about a school and school issues I call Emily or Stacey; when I'm needing help with church I call Tammie, Jamie, Stacey, or Christine; when I have family issues I call Dianna or Tammie; when I have issues with Girl Scouts I call Kristi, Cheri, Cris or Roni; when I want to talk about college I call Connie, Dyana and Wendy; when I need emotional support I call Emily, Stacey, Christine, Tammie, Jamie, Kristi, Cris; and when I need to go out and have a really good time well I call all of them because they are all cool. I even have friends who are boys: Allan, John, Dennis, Chip, Brad, Don. Friends are a true blessing.

Emily talks about her best friend Mei all the time. I asked her if she has other friends and she says yeah but Mei is her "Bestest" best friend, then she has about 5 other she classifies as "Best "friends which are really close friends but don't get top billing like Mei. Then she has "REALLY CLOSE" friends. She is a well rounded social butterfly.

Erin doesn't have a friend that she calls her "Best" friend. She tells me that she has too many friends for that.

I'm cool with that. I use to think that I had to have a "Best" girlfriend. That one person in the world that got me all the time and never not got me. I don't think that anymore. Each friend has a special gift to give and fills a special need within you. You should always remember to thank your friends.

That help keep you sane.


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