Tuesday, August 21, 2007

School has started

Well, yesterday was the first day of school.

Here are the girls just before we leave the house. Erin is starting 2nd grade and Emily is in 4th. They are both very good students and are very excited about getting back to schedule.
Erin's teacher was very welcoming and warm which really made for a great start.
Emily has the new teacher who happens to male. She is very focused on the fact that he is male and was a little apperhensive about him.
I picked them up instead of them riding the bus home (upon their request) and was glad to hear that they both had a very good day. Em says that her teacher is funny but very strict. We'll see how this will work for her. I'm sure she will be fine.
Scouts also started last night. Wow are we going to have a full year. I have 12 Junior scouts and Cris has 12 Brownie scouts. We will be having lots of wild times together learning about being women in today's world.
The juniors got to pick our troop crest last night. By votes, they picked the Unicorn crest to represent us with it standing for our Friendship, our Adaptability and our Creativity.


Unknown said...

Little Fashionista! They are gorgeous.

Tiffany said...

Hey... you better pick Japan for your country this year! I'll start a box for you right away.

Cre8ive1 said...

The girls are TOO cute. Give them a hug for me. Mine finally have a class, and are attending the same school that I went to as a child. After the last few weeks we've had, moving your way looks more and more necessary. Keep your eyes out for any GT or educational consulting jobs. We've had a bad string of events financially the last two weeks, so I don't think I can come up with the $ for Emmaus until after the new year. I'm praying daily for a miracle, or two, or three...Martha's really excited about going. I'm glad