Tuesday, August 07, 2007

August already

I can't believe that it is August already. Scouts, School and Small Group are starting back and I just can't see where the time is going to come from. We stay too busy these days. I'm always feeling somewhat rushed. I love all that I do I just wish I had more oppurtunity to do it. Thers'e only one activity on my plate that I'd like to give up and I can't because it's the one that pays the bills.

Work is not what it use to be. It use to be interesting and busy and changing. Now it's slow, stressful and full of politics. I don't like politics.

Well, I know I have to make the lemonade out of lemons so I won't complain. I have job with great benefits and when we do have funding it is rewarding. I just have to make it through these slow periods I guess.

There are so many topics talk about some days and others I've got nothing. Today I could change subjects over and over. I could talk about scouts and how excited I am about this coming year. I could talk about the girls going back to school and how excited I am for Emily and concerned I am over Erin. I could talk about Children's Ministry at our church and how I'm looking for servants to help out in all departments. I could talk about starting our cell group back and that I'm not ready because my house is a disaster. I could talk about the walk that is coming this weekend and how excited I am for the women who are going. I could talk about my friend who might be going on one of the next women's walk in Oct or Nov. I could talk about how I wish more of my friends would blog and that it actually flustrates me that they don't. I could talk about the dear friend who is moving in a week to Japan and I'm going to miss.

Pick a topic. Any topic. I've don't know which to discuss. Maybe it isn't my life that is busy but just my brain with too many thoughts.


Unknown said...

i just quit caffeine to rid myself of some tummy ache. it is a small step, but i am hoping it is the placebo that does the trick to calming me down a bit. I keep thinking this time next year will be so much different. the house won't be new. maybe there will be a baby. I won't be in school. i am trying to keep my eye on the prize and am saying no to a lot of things.

I bet we will be hiring soon. There is a lot more opportunity here. I am pretty funding dependent, but since I work on so many projects, i can spread it around a lot. i bet you would like my job or a job working in operations. Just something to think about. When you get bored here, you can easily change jobs.

Cre8ive1 said...

I blog, now!!I'm coming in October, and bringing Martha with me. Connie and Dy are interested too, if you think we won't scare off all of the sponsers.