Friday, August 10, 2007

The count down has begun.

In 9 days Marty and I start back Disciple. We will be doing IV this time and have been doing Disciple Bible study four years. This will be 5.

In 10 days the girls start back to school. Emily has a male teacher and Erin has a teacher that moved from K to 2nd grade this year.

In 10 days Girl Scouts start back on regular meetings.

In 12 days our Wednesday night cell group starts back meeting every week at our house.

In 24 days Emily starts piano lessons back.

I could go on and on. We schedule everything, can you tell. I'm a very structured individual but even this gets to me sometimes.

I am excited about all of these starting back though. I may be a nerd but I love planning and since I'm the scout leader and the children's ministry, I'm always planning something. We have a very exciting new year in scouts since Emily moved up to Juniors. There is so many activities and badges and things to learn. I've got so much planned for them that I don't know how they will find time for school.

Then there is the new program that we are starting for the 4th through 6th graders in Sunday School. We're starting a new group called Faith Finders and have the really cool curriculum that even has it's own website that the kids have access to. They give us the feed back on it as to what they want us to teach each week and they do the choosing of the games they do, so that they get a hand in their activities. The ones that I have talked to are very excited about it.

Lots of different great things and then a few sad.

We have our going away/back to school scout party tomorrow. It will be Alexis' last event with us. She and her mom are so cool (check out her blog). Alexis is one of Emily's best friends and Tiffany is quickly becoming one of my very close friends too. It's great but now we are gonna have to communicate via our blogs because she will be in Japan. I'm very excited for them and am actually very envious too. I'm not really a mover type person but I'd love to see other parts of the world and learn different cultures. I just do it through my military friends. I told Tiffany that Alexis is gonna have to get a webcam so she can still attend our meetings. I've already sent her an invitation to our private troop blog so she can still communicate with the girls. Another thing that is wonderful about Tiffany that we are going to miss is she knows all of the Camp Story Girl Scout songs and she has been our teacher. So the webcam will have to serve two purposes, to keep Alexis connect and so Tiffany can still teach us music.

I'll try to get a picture of Tiffany and Alexis tomorrow at the party.

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