Work is very busy with a special project and from the time I walk in the door until I walk out I'm at my desk on the computer. This isn't bad because I like being busy but my right wrist that I had surgery on in 1999 doesn't really like it. I has been hurting for the past two week since I spray painted for VBS. Something is not right with it and I will be making an appointment when we return to see the hand special that did my surgery.
Monday was take the girls after school to the library to sign up for the summer reading program and then shopping for clothes before a church meeting at the pastors' house. Have I ever mentioned that shopping with Emily is a true adventure that I'd just as soon avoid? She is rather particular about her clothes and her taste and mind don't agree. I thought this wouldn't happen until she was a teenager?
Tuesday was another fun filled day because my suburban, which we are driving on vacation, decided that it didn't want to start after I dropped Emily off at a birthday party sleep over. I was stranded at her friends grandparents house. Luckily the neighbor took pity on me and came over while I was waiting on John and Marty to come to my aide and he fixed it. Seems that one of the battery cables had come loose and just needed to be retightened. For the recorded, I had no tools in the truck because we were cleaning it out to get ready for the trip, so this scout wasn't prepared. Shame on me. John was nice enough though to ask us to bring the sub over because we had been needing to get the rear air fix. He worked on it all evening while Marty and Erin and I went and shopped again but this time for Marty and me. You can now hang meat in my sub. THANKS John.
Wednesday was a whirl wind of work, packing and cleaning the house.
Thursday was the final day of work for Marty while I did the last minute errands: rotate tires, drop off bears for sewing, pack the bags, load the sub, grab a nap. We did all of this just for this.

Yesterday we spend the day at the beach trying to ride boogie boards, though we didn't do very good. Erin rode one and Emily rode one but that was it. Matt said it was a bad wave day.
Well I will post more later.
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