Tuesday, April 24, 2007


Well, it has become a very busy month. I've been doing very well with posting until time got away from me. I feel kind of like a rag doll because I'm so very worn at the moment.

Why am I so tired you ask, well, camp is this coming weekend for scouts and got a little more involve then I had originally intended. Not that I don't mind helping but sometimes I just can't find the boundary of where I should stop helping. Usually, I cross that boundary and am miles on the other side before I realize that I'm helping way more then I was actually asked to help. It's my A type personality.

A friend needed help and during the middle of the project had a family emergency, so here I am. Exhausted, overworked, and ready for a margarita the size of Mexico. Which is a real shame because it's my favorite drink, which I have become allergic to. Yes, I mean actually allergic to it. About 20 minutes to 45 minutes after I start drinking, I start sniffling and sneezing and it just goes down hill from there. Do stop drinking them? Well of course not. Like I said, it's my favorite drink.

See, I'm so tired that I'm just rambling. The thoughts are moving through my head to my fingers and what comes out are these rambled thoughts of a Girl Scout Leader and a Christian Wife/Mom.

I've got to leave in a minute to head to a meeting that doesn't take place until 5 pm tonight in a town that is 2 hours away which is not the most convenient time for me to be going since I have so much prep to do for camp but I guess that I must do what they pay me to do.

The phone is ringing so I must go.......

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

That's is the funniest thing to be allergic to! When you fill out your health sheet for GS, did you put Margaritas as an allergy?
Now everytime I have one, I'll think of you!