I now know I'm a runner. Why do I know I'm a runner now, because when I downloaded my watch today and looked at my total for the week, I immediately started thinking: "Only .03 more and I would have had 15 miles for this week. Ok, that means I've got to put my running shoes back on and go do 1.03 and make it 16 miles."

But the 14.97 miles is nothing to feel bad about. See this is the most miles I have EVER ran in one week. One week!!!! Yes, I know, my wonderful husband ran 13.1 in 2:23 just 14 days ago but that is him and that isn't me. This is the girl that three years ago when I LOOKED at the couch to 5K app's day 1 week 1 exercise routine wondered if I would ever run for 1 minute much less for 1 mile.
I've come a long way baby!!! Now you must understand I'm not a fast runner. I don't know if I will ever be a fast runner, cause that isn't my goal. I also don't look beautiful when I run. My hair pulled back in a ponytail makes my face look rounder than normal and my lines of wisdom more apparent. Soooo not a pretty site. My legs, stomach and butt jiggle like jello and I sweat. I mean I really sweat. There is no way you can call that glistening. I am also not very graceful. I do not look like those wonderful professional inspirational photos that everyone post on their Facebook. I resemble something more like a hippo or elephant. Don't get me wrong, I'm not down on myself and before anyone starts hammering me about on hippo and elephant abuse, I think they are beautiful creatures. I'm just saying when I say I'm a runner, please don't imagine one of the elites going down the street.
I'm very proud of how far I have come and I am excited to see where I am going to go with this. It's all about me and my times and my races and my miles. And I am loving every step I take.