Friday, December 26, 2014
May the training begin....................
I am working on setting some run goals for this year. One goal is easy: finish one 10k and one 15k. I was ready for the 10k just prior to the injury so I think it won't take much to get back ready for the 10k.
I did run the jiggle bell run 5k Dec 6th and had a good experience. Didn't set a PR because I didn't run it all the way. But I didn't hurt much afterwards. Which I am really glad I did well because Dr. N asked when I ran last and I didn't want to lie to him. I did a 4 mile group run in the cold the day I was release and was really surprised at how well I did. My biggest problem was how cold I got. I have got to get some more weather appropriate clothing.
I am looking at running the Little Rock Marathon 10k on March 1st. At the moment, I am looking for a running partner since Erin and Marty will be running the half marathon together.
Saturday, October 11, 2014
The doctor thinks it is patellofemoral syndrome and sent me to physical therapy. I like my PT, she isn't a sadist as I was afraid she would be but she did ground me from running. Now there would have been a time when I would have been so happy to have a reason to not run but it seems I have crossed some line or corner that I didn't know existed and I miss running.
So I have completed two weeks of PT and was feeling much better and I started looking for a 10K again. I've been looking for one to enter for a little while now. Well I didn't find a 10K but I found a 15K (9.3 miles). In St. Louis is the Hot Chocolate 15K on Dec 14. It's a bit hilly though and I'm concerned with not being able to run for another 2 weeks if I could be ready. I have done 6.2 miles and was doing it regularly before PT but 4 weeks with no running is not good for training.
I found out last night that I better not plan on doing this 15K though. Last night I running late to the homecoming game and didn't want to miss Mei being escorted across the field by Bo, so I ran halfway across the school parking lot when they announced her name. I know. I shouldn't have, but I did. I also, upon getting up in the stand, kneeled down to take pictures. I couldn't kneel long as the sharp pain was extremely intense. My knee thobbed through out the night and all today. I've iced it twice already and am about to ice again along with doing the exercises. This is not looking good.
Saturday, March 15, 2014
I now know I'm a runner.........
I now know I'm a runner. Why do I know I'm a runner now, because when I downloaded my watch today and looked at my total for the week, I immediately started thinking: "Only .03 more and I would have had 15 miles for this week. Ok, that means I've got to put my running shoes back on and go do 1.03 and make it 16 miles."

But the 14.97 miles is nothing to feel bad about. See this is the most miles I have EVER ran in one week. One week!!!! Yes, I know, my wonderful husband ran 13.1 in 2:23 just 14 days ago but that is him and that isn't me. This is the girl that three years ago when I LOOKED at the couch to 5K app's day 1 week 1 exercise routine wondered if I would ever run for 1 minute much less for 1 mile.
I've come a long way baby!!! Now you must understand I'm not a fast runner. I don't know if I will ever be a fast runner, cause that isn't my goal. I also don't look beautiful when I run. My hair pulled back in a ponytail makes my face look rounder than normal and my lines of wisdom more apparent. Soooo not a pretty site. My legs, stomach and butt jiggle like jello and I sweat. I mean I really sweat. There is no way you can call that glistening. I am also not very graceful. I do not look like those wonderful professional inspirational photos that everyone post on their Facebook. I resemble something more like a hippo or elephant. Don't get me wrong, I'm not down on myself and before anyone starts hammering me about on hippo and elephant abuse, I think they are beautiful creatures. I'm just saying when I say I'm a runner, please don't imagine one of the elites going down the street.
I'm very proud of how far I have come and I am excited to see where I am going to go with this. It's all about me and my times and my races and my miles. And I am loving every step I take.
Saturday, March 01, 2014
Little Rock Marathon
Saturday, February 22, 2014
Get serious
I am so struggling with my weight! It really makes no sense. I am more active and still gaining weight. I'm not as consistent as I should be but hey I'm far more active than a lot of people. Yet I am, as of this morning, at the highest weight I have ever been!!!!
I'm not depressed about it but I am feeling a bit discouraged. I'm not wanting to be 100 pound super model but I'd like to not have a double chin in every stinking photo I take. I've been running for almost a year, again not with great consistency, but I can run 35 mins without dying or at least thinking I'm dying. This is a HUGE improvement over a year ago.
I want to do this for me. There really is no other reason because my wonderful husband and fabulous daughters love me and tell me this all the time.
So why can't I succeed in losing 40 pounds?