Monday, May 16, 2011


I have always been fairly lucky in my career to not really have to deal with chauvinist. Usually they have been rather removed from the positions I have worked, but there is this one engineer who is now elligible for retirement that is getting under my skin.

There are a few conservation practices that we do that cross between irrigation (what I do) and livestock (what he does). Practices are divided up among us based on what we specialize in. But those practice that do multi aspects will have one in charge and the others who have a vested interest in will consult on it. Well I am the lead on one such practice and consulted with one of the other specialist about the pratice. The other person was off that day so I typed what changes we agreed upon and laid it on this indivuals desk for his comment.

This morning I hear him at the other specialist's cubical whom I did consult with talking about the changes. Three times the other specialist told him it was my practice and he needed to go see me. He leaves his cubical, of which I expected him to come to mine. He didn't. Instead I received an email 20 minutes later with his opinions. I work 2 cubical away from the other special and in the very cubical this specialist inhabited for umpteen years. Are you kidding me?
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Friday, May 13, 2011

Enjoying Life

I am so blessed.  I have a wonderful life.  I received a new swing for my back porch from Marty and the girls for  Mother's day and I'm sitting out here on the beautiful spring evening wrapped in a blanket enjoying this gorgeous weather.
The wind is causing the leaves to rustle in the trees and the birds are signing.  I can imagine many of evening right here.  Hope your not needing anything from me any time soon.  I can't wait until a bit later though when the Hwy 5 traffic slows down.  It's rather bothersome.
I think I just found my new space to read my Bible and my books.

So where is your favorite spot?  Do you have a retreat spot?  A personal space?

Got to go.  I feel like vegging.