Friday, August 21, 2009

Proverbs 27:9

"Just as lotions and fragrance give sensual delight, a sweet friendship refreshes the soul." (The Message - Proverbs 27:9)

How true is that - A sweet friendship refreshes the soul. ? Think about your friends. Think about how out of the blue you will receive an inspirational email from a friend that hits at the right time. Think about that friend that calls and you smile when you see their name on the caller id,you know you need to talk and she is there. Think about that friend that remembers your birthday and how you don't or do like to celebrate it and wouldn't dare celebrate it with you any other way.

I use to think these friendships were some fantasy that only happened in TV. I didn't seem to have these friendships when I was in grade school and I kind a had them in college but now I'm blessed with so many of these sweet friendships. My cup overflows with sweet, sweet friendships.

Just today, I received an inspirational email from one who has just been an aquanitance on facebook who I met through work. We don't see each other everyday but through watching me on facebook she knew that the "3 Things" video would mean something to me and that it would bring a smile to my face. She was right but more then that it refreshed my soul. It brought God into my morning because I hadn't made the time for Him this morning and I needed that little bit to remember Him so that my day would go better.

Sweet friendships.
Stop and think about your sweet friendships.
Stop and think how you can impact one of your friends by BEING that sweet friend.

Thank You God for the blessings of all my Sweet Friendships.

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