Two weeks of school
I can't believe the girls have been in school for two weeks already. It doesn't seem like it. I haven't even posted their first day of school photos.
Emily is in middle school now and has so much going on. She works the book store every Thursday morning with her best friend Maddy. She is joining clubs, (which isn't like joining clubs when we were in school - so we will find out which clubs she in next week) and already bringing home permission slips for special trips. With GT she will be going to the Heifer Ranch for three days and two nights. That sounds like a cool trip. She will do that in October. Once a month starting in Septmeber, she will be going with GT to a local nursering home where she will play games, read stores and just socialize with the residence there. Luckily this will go toward one or more of her GS badges also. Then the big trip is in the spring when she gets to so to Huntsville, Alabama to space camp. She is very excited about. I even applied to be a chaperone for that one. We'll see if I get picked.
Erin is now in the elementary school by herself and I actually think this is working better for her. She is working really hard in school and is progressing better then I could hope. She has her first spelling test of the year today and she was ready for it on Monday which is a huge improvement over last year. She loves her teacher and is excited about learning cursive. Aunt Tammie found her a cursive book to help her practice and it just happens to be the exact one that they are using in class. That is too cool. However for us old people, the cursive that we learned doesn't look anything like the cursive their learning and it's very difficult for me to help her. Our cursive had lots of loops and curves to it. The new cursive is very blocky. I swear I didn't know that it was possible to make the letter c with straight lines when your writing in cursive. I'll have to find you a sample of it. It's crazy. That's public education. It changes one way and then changes another.
Three weeks since the Hicks moved
What???? It can't be that long! They were just packing the house. We were just at the Walk together. We were just making bookmarks together. We were just working VBS together. We were just geocaching Searcy in a mad spree together.
Life gets away from us too fast. We must learn to stop and enjoy the good things and not stress over pooh bear's head getting broke. We can't run around screaming at the kids because before we know it their not kids anymore and they moved off to college or their own life. What I'm saying is we need to take the time for those we love why their with us. Let's not keep putting it off. The laundry can get done later, the vaccuming isn't important, so there's a ring around the toilet - tell me 95% of the toilet in the homes don't have a ring around it up to 2 hours before the guest walk in the door, but who really cares? And if they do, the are welcome to clean it them selves. I've got plenty of the cleaning products in the hall closet. That's why there's a ring in the toliet, the products are in the wrong place.
I know I'm making jokes but I miss my friend. I'm still talking to her on the phone and email. I still having a pillow fight on fb with her. I know what time she's getting up. I know that she is working out. I know when she is gone to get the girls and I even know what the weather is like where she is. I do still miss her.
Kristi, I don't care if you don't have anything to blog or if you blog the same stupid routine a hundred times. It comes from you and you had a hand in it and I know that your there. That's what matters. I don't care if you post everthing you eat or drink in the day. Though I will say it because I know if I don't I'll regret it: No bathroom stop schedule. I hope your regular but I don't have to know it.
New Phones
The nice mommy has moved into my house. I don't know where she came from and I don't why but she is there. Don't believe me? Ask my girls. Emily and Erin are proud owners of the new LG scoop phones. Em's is ......... blue and Erin's is ........ purple. Duh! I don't know what possessed me to talk their dad into it but I did. I was having issues with Erin not being in the same school with Em and so I wanted her to have a phone. Makes sense right? Then why is one of the rules for Erin that she can't take it to school with her? Not that she or Emily can use it in either place but it's for them to use when they get out of school and I'm running late or need to send them a message. Yet, Em's is off all day - per our rule and Erin's is at home on the bar until Erin gets home from school via me.
I must be careful because the next thing the nice mommy might do is get them a laptop or a tv in their rooms. YIKES!!!!!
Oh and I got a new phone too. I know don't know what is up with that but I now have a blackberry pearl. And I sooooo like my new phone., except that I need ringtones. Again see missing Kristi.
News Release: Bigfoot Sighting
I almost forgot to tell you that I have found "BIGFOOT". There is no more searching to be done. I have found him. Well actually her and actually two hers. We took Emily and Erin to get new tennis shoes for school. We went to Penney's because they were having a sale. Bad idea because they only had one girl working and the place was a mess but that is another story. Emily found a pair that the liked and she asked the lady for a six. Now, I don't know if you know anything about shoe sizes but they start at 0 and go through 13 for infants to kids then they start back over at 1 and go up for adults. Emily was asking for the 6 that comes after the 13. The lady is taking a long time and I'm thinking about the fact that Em has asked for a 6. Penney's has all the tennis shoes for the kids and womens and mens in the same area so I walk over to the womens and find a size 6 Nike. I ask Emily to come over and try it on. IT FITS!!! WHAT? Erin walks over and really likes the shoe and wants to try it on. I know that she likes to take my flip flops and wear them so I thought what the heck. IT FIT HER TOO! WHAT? Em is 10 (though she will be 11 in 25 days) and Erin is 8. Let me say that again: Erin is 8. "BigFoot" has moved into my house and ate my daughters. Erin can wear a size 6x childs shirt and a size 6 womens shoe and her daddy can touch thumb to thumb and middle finger to middle finger around her waist. That ain't right I don't care how you slice it.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
A Whirl Wind of Activies
I can't believe how fast the last two weeks have gone. It's just crazy.
Marty's Birthday, Mom's Birthday, Women's Walk to Emmaus #135, Hicks moving to Omaha and School n Scouts start next week.
Walk to Emmaus #135
If you haven't heard me talk about the walk to emmaus then you must not have heard my testimony about my faith and about Marty's and my decision to help start a new Methodist congregation in Cabot. The Walk to Emmaus was second of two major turning points on my faith walk and now I have oppurtunity to go back and work walks and be a servant of God for others as they take their piligrim walks.
I was lucky enough this time to work the walk with three of my best girl friends and my best best friend, Marty. Going back to work is such an awesome experience. It helps to refocus my life back on God because the activities of life pull me away so quickly.
This weekend I re-experienced His love in away that I have only found when I've been on a walk. Though I worked and am now physically exhausted, I'm so ready to go back and work. It was even better being there with Marty and the girls, but I found that I have so many wonderful people there that mean so much more to me then I will ever be able to tell them. Grace, Shelly, Lana, Rick, Joy, Chris, Veda, Vada, and the list could go on and on. These are wonderful people who I just can't wait to see again when I go back to the next walk. September seems like a very long time away.
I did get some very special news though, my friend Wendy is going to go on her piligrim walk in Oct. I'm so excite and can't wait to see her and then to talk to her about her walk. I wish I was working it. If I could take that much time off and they would let me, I think I would work every walk, but that isn't allowed for very good reason. I just so enjoy being a servant of God on those walks.
Corn Girl :(
As with every Emmaus Walk, you have to come back to reality on Monday. Sometimes it happens Tuesday or Wednesday but you do have to come back from that Mountain Top experinence. It's just the way it is.

It's no different this time but is more then just a bad day at work or a problem with the car or house. This time I got to come home each day to watch movers pack one of my best friend's house so that they could load her stuff into a truck and move her from here to Omaha, 10 hours away. No more quick hugs, no more lets go have dinner, no more "Hey can your run get the kids.". She's only a phone call, text message, facebook, blogspot away but it is still extremely painful. I'M NOT CRYING. I have vowed not to cry because God has a plan for her and her family and it's in Omaha at the moment and I support her family in this. I love God and trust Him but it is really hard to accept everything, I am only human here. Some think that I'm just crazy for not crying but to be honest - if this dam breaks it will be weeks before the flooding stops so it's best to keep the plug in it. It has almost broke all day but I'm still hanging in there.
Marty's Birthday, Mom's Birthday, Women's Walk to Emmaus #135, Hicks moving to Omaha and School n Scouts start next week.
Walk to Emmaus #135
If you haven't heard me talk about the walk to emmaus then you must not have heard my testimony about my faith and about Marty's and my decision to help start a new Methodist congregation in Cabot. The Walk to Emmaus was second of two major turning points on my faith walk and now I have oppurtunity to go back and work walks and be a servant of God for others as they take their piligrim walks.
I was lucky enough this time to work the walk with three of my best girl friends and my best best friend, Marty. Going back to work is such an awesome experience. It helps to refocus my life back on God because the activities of life pull me away so quickly.
This weekend I re-experienced His love in away that I have only found when I've been on a walk. Though I worked and am now physically exhausted, I'm so ready to go back and work. It was even better being there with Marty and the girls, but I found that I have so many wonderful people there that mean so much more to me then I will ever be able to tell them. Grace, Shelly, Lana, Rick, Joy, Chris, Veda, Vada, and the list could go on and on. These are wonderful people who I just can't wait to see again when I go back to the next walk. September seems like a very long time away.
I did get some very special news though, my friend Wendy is going to go on her piligrim walk in Oct. I'm so excite and can't wait to see her and then to talk to her about her walk. I wish I was working it. If I could take that much time off and they would let me, I think I would work every walk, but that isn't allowed for very good reason. I just so enjoy being a servant of God on those walks.
Corn Girl :(
As with every Emmaus Walk, you have to come back to reality on Monday. Sometimes it happens Tuesday or Wednesday but you do have to come back from that Mountain Top experinence. It's just the way it is.

It's no different this time but is more then just a bad day at work or a problem with the car or house. This time I got to come home each day to watch movers pack one of my best friend's house so that they could load her stuff into a truck and move her from here to Omaha, 10 hours away. No more quick hugs, no more lets go have dinner, no more "Hey can your run get the kids.". She's only a phone call, text message, facebook, blogspot away but it is still extremely painful. I'M NOT CRYING. I have vowed not to cry because God has a plan for her and her family and it's in Omaha at the moment and I support her family in this. I love God and trust Him but it is really hard to accept everything, I am only human here. Some think that I'm just crazy for not crying but to be honest - if this dam breaks it will be weeks before the flooding stops so it's best to keep the plug in it. It has almost broke all day but I'm still hanging in there.
Guess what I had for dinner in her honor? Well corn of course. Gonna have it tomorrow and the next day too. Why? Because I can. Good thing I like corn. I was teasing her yesterday about being corn girl and she started calling me rice girl because I work in the rice fields. So, here we are: Corn Girl and Rice Girl.
Okay, I'm done writing. Think I'll go climb in bed with a container of ice cream.
Monday, August 04, 2008
Happy Birthday, Sweetheart!
Today is my adorable husband's birthday. I spent all morning Saturday trying to get him a gift and still don't have anything that I think is good enough for him.
If you never been around my sweet fabulous husband then you don't know how wonderful and great he is. I am trully blessed. He is my dream come true and I'm so very proud to be his wife.
I LOVE YOU! Have a great day.
If you never been around my sweet fabulous husband then you don't know how wonderful and great he is. I am trully blessed. He is my dream come true and I'm so very proud to be his wife.
I LOVE YOU! Have a great day.
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