Friday, September 14, 2007

General thoughts

I guess I haven't been posting as much lately because school has started back. It's not really that we have had that many activities it just processing all that is going on.

The girls are loving school and their teachers. I'm so glad they have who they have. You might remember I posted that I was concerned but I'm quickly getting over that. They have very little homework and all their papers have been 100's or 90's.

Emily says her teacher is very funny and puts a lot of science into the classroom. She does great with science so the combination is great. Erin's teacher seams to be more math oriented and that is Erin's subject. She is all about the numbers. Well she likes bugs too. It is so cool to hear my girls talk about habitats and environments and sedimentary/metemorphic/igeneous rock types and species of trees when we are out on hikes or just around the yard. I don't think I learned these type of things until 8th grade earth science. School is way cooler then when we were in it.

That is one of the great wonders of being a parent, rediscovering the world as your children learn it.

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

Well, found out I can't be a leader just yet. I just might have to settle for camp director instead...
Miss ya!