Monday, November 18, 2013

The Day After

So I'm moving today.  That's a good thing.  Not as sore as I thought I would be but I certainly know where my quad muscles are thanks to hills.  Some soreness in my ads from working on how my core as I run.  But really, I'm not that bad.  I know I need to run tomorrow night if I can.  We are doing training around the state this week for work and will be getting late each day but I will certainly try to get moving.

One step at a time.  It's all I can do. 

Sunday, November 17, 2013


I finished the Women Can Run clinic and rain my first 5k.  Since then I have ran 2 more 5k  Today I joined several from the clinic for a run and ran 5 miles.  So proud of myself.  Now I must confess that there was walking mixed in with the run (a lot of walking) BUT I ran too.  Time was 1 hr and 5 min.  So certainly have work to do.

I'm not feeling to bad but who knows how I will feel in the morning when I go to climb out of bed.  I haven't done hills in a lonnnng while and today had HILLS.  Course I'm a wimp, my HILLS are most peoples ant hills.