Christ was born on Christmas Day and came into the world to be my saviour and yours! I know I haven't been in the spirit of the season but God is good and has a way of changing me when I least expect it. It's not because my shopping is done or that I've been spending some great time with my "sisters" and their family, but He gave me something that I have been searching for the past 17 years now. A pleasant, warm family holiday with my husband's family.
Now, don't get me wrong, I've loved them since we were dating and they have always loved me and welcomed me to the famiy but we all know that each family unit is unique and does things differently and it is hard to join any's family. Marty and his sister are 5 years apart and different as night and day and we just have never been very socialable, but I so enjoyed spending last night in her presence and it makes me sick thinking of the past missed oppurtunities. We have all changed as we have grown and had families and I think that it has finally reached us all at the same time that we are family and special to each other. Watching Emily and Erin play with Sorcha was so beautiful. Hearing them make her laugh and share with her was a true joy.

I know that Christ was working here. I can't explain it but it's something I know.
And I'd like to show you the very special necklaces Anna made each of us and the craftmanship and thought she put in them is awesome.
I pray that each of you have a very Merry CHRISTmas and that you tell each and every member of your family how important that they are no matter what differences you have.